Sezay Karagyoz
2 min readAug 12, 2018


I do not scare to be bored anymore, you should not too..

There is nothing to be avoid of feeling bored. The point is which we have to realise that immediatelly; this is the time which you waited for to do something for yourself finally. Get some paper and a pen and just start writing about whatever is in your mind. There is a new method for me which is I used to most of those times is; spliting your next free hour to 6 x (10 minute) and I use my first ten minute to make a list from the things on my mind. 3 minute for a quick to-do list, 2 minute for making them as simple as it can be. Than 3 minute for to make my list more clear and last 2 minute to think is there anything I missed. Finally I got my to do list for the next hours. This technique reminds me that well known proverbs in England which is “if you have one hour to cut down to the tree, you should make sharpen as much as you can your ax for 55 minute and left 5 minute for to use your ax.

and another good thing from the those times is opportunity to geting a new habitat to doüng sonething good and only for yourself.

