
3 way to refresh your look to your designes when you feel stack

Sezay Karagyoz
1 min readAug 10, 2018


Most of of the time I think my designes are perfect or fantastic when someone else look at the it they see something different then I see. I wanted to see from others eyes. Here is the 3 ways to see your works from others eyes.

1. Mirroring

Leonardo Da Vinci were looking to his stuff with a mirror to see his mistakes on the sketches. You will surprise when you mirror it anything you think it is fantastic.

2. Make it Greyscale

My drawing teacher has told me that: if you want to focus on the stages and shapes in any photography you want to draw, so make it greyscale. Also, there is another version of this technique which is: try to watch any movie with no sound to focus on the visual side of movies.

3. Invert Colours

When you feel lack of inspration apply this invert color to anything you work on. This one is more effective then it seems.

